Friday, October 13, 2023

It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt

 Top It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt

I do not buy into the It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt in contrast I will get this pink-stained view in the West that the disaster Russia’s been suffering in Ukraine is the absolute best that the Russian military can put out- that the Russian military is the greatest of all paper tigers, that they have not one ounce of strength in them. It is a dangerous bout of optimism, and there’s a much simpler answer. The expectations in this invasion clearly were that the Ukrainian military would fight briefly before snapping entirely, that Russian armor would roll into Kyiv, Kharkiv and other major cities within the first day and set up a puppet government with ease. The expectation wasn’t unreasonable- it was, after all, the global expectation- but there seems to be no allowance made for alternatives.

It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt

Extensive logistical preparation would not be needed for an affair that would last no more than two days. Air superiority would not be a concern after air and missile attacks wiped out the It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt in contrast I will get this Ukrainian air force on the ground in the first hour of the attack. Troops didn’t need to go in braced for resistance at every step because any real resistance would collapse with the first sight of heavy Russian assault. Most of them wouldn’t even need to be told that they were going to war, as the ‘war’ for them would consist of driving calmly through Ukrainian highways in what amounted to little more than a show of force. It would be just like Crimea, where the entire Ukrainian special police defected wholesole to Russia along with large bodies of Ukrainian troops on the peninsula and it took one day for Russia to secure every important installation on the peninsula, and after a short break to procure a flimsy legal pretext, another day to occupy the territory wholesale. Practically no real combat had taken place.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this It’s Okay To Hate Our Government American Flag shirt


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