Friday, October 13, 2023

Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt

 Top Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt

I think it is a good thing! Because Black Lives Really do matter! We are a part of the Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt but in fact I love this human race and if white people wish to support us, I think it is great because we are communicating the very same ideology. If this movement was in protest of white lives because White males were being murdered senselessly by black racist cops, it would still be a cry of outrage! If it had been a black cop with his knee pressed on a White man’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds until he stopped breathing, that would also constitute Murder! So you see, this happens to Black Males at an alarming rate, and Black people are tired and sick of watching these killings play out time and time again.. I recalled watching the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles when an innocent White man was pulled from his truck damn near beaten to death, In Horror! Speaking as a black person, I find it encouraging. I find it encouraging that a white person would get over themselves to find themselves on the same level as black people. Let’s face it, too many white people do feel superior to black people. I think it only right that white people and all people should fight what the BLM movement is fighting against: fascism in America. Considering that it is nothing but a fake organization that drums up money and doesn’t do shit for anybody but the founders of the group? They probably assume you’re just as stupid as the black people who actually support that BS! It’s a feeling of inclusion and a feeling that they recognize the injustices that have been perpetrated on the black people. But most of all a feeling of appreciation for having given the movement and the people their attention. Anyone other than black people have the option to ignore the plight of black people and for them to get involved says so much about them it’s a great thing.

Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt

You’d be so shocked at how many white people think that BLM means that white lives don’t matter. That isn’t the Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt but in fact I love this case in the slightest. It would make me happy that there are people out there that get it man. So go ahead and wear your BLM shirt. I’ll stick up for you if someone gives you shit. I grew up among several professionals. As a kid, I remember my mom, uncle, and grandmother would make it a requirement from all of the children to place important phone calls. It started with something simple like ordering pizza then progressed to bigger assignments like making and canceling doctor/dentist appointments. We were expected to learn new words weekly and use them properly. We were not allowed to talk in slang around or to adults. We were taught to SPEAK CORRECTLY! PERIOD!

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Bryce Harper Atta-Boy Harper 2023 Shirt


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