Monday, September 25, 2023

Ohio Against The World The State of Ohio Shirt

 Top Ohio Against The World The State of Ohio Shirt

It does not mean that at all. It just means that until Trump came along there was never a president who broke so many state laws before. I suggest that you stick with facts. You are obviously a flaming liberal that refuses to see the Ohio Against The World The State of Ohio Shirt and by the same token and truth. Is Trump a shitty person? Absolutely, but other than his retarded comments, he is doing a pretty good job. His tax cuts that liberals claimed were only for the rich have caused thousands of blue collar Americans to have an increase in pay. Name one thing Obama did to help these people? Obamacare did help some people to become insured but caused others to lose their insurance. I know because I lost mine. I’m not conservative by the way. Unlike the losers on both sides who refuse to see reason. I look at both sides and choose who I think is best for the country. Also, unless you are a prosecutor in New York, you have no clue if he is close to being arrested. You just believe and repeat everything the liberal media says. I swear it’s people like you that drive people away from the Democratic Party. I see Trump being re-elected next election. Have a great day!!

Ohio Against The World The State of Ohio Shirt

Only if there is absolutely no show through…the Ohio Against The World The State of Ohio Shirt and by the same token and shirt must be completely opaque. If not, then it is better to wear a “nude” coloured bra…a much more versatile item. White bras are an outdated item. That would have been interpeted as a threat to the life of the President and brought a visitor from the Secret Service. I have ornaments with the White House on them from the Obama years. The White House is a public building- anyone can put a photo of the White House on anything and sell it. The Statue of Liberty is sold everywhere. The Eiffel Tower is peddled in the streets of Paris by illegal alien African citizens. If othe presidents have been allowed to make money off of being president- then Trump is allowed too. Remember- Obama was allowed a great deal of power and did quite a few illegal acts like DACA and changing Obamacare. It is now precedent for Trump to do the same. The time to complain is when the first president did the act, not the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Obama made millions while in the White House on his book. Others have done the same- while in the White House. From Forbes- Jan 2017 about the money Obama earned as president and senator: “When Barack Obama joined the U.S. Senate in 2005, he was a 43-year old former law professor making $85,000 a year. In the 12 years since then, he won the White House,… earned $20 million. Three-fourths of that money came from lucrative book deals, according to a FORBES analysis of 16 years of tax returns and financial disclosure documents. In total, Obama has earned $15.6 million as an author since arriving in Washington.

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