Monday, September 25, 2023

Ohio Against The World 2023 Shirt

 Top Ohio Against The World 2023 Shirt

Since I (and many, many others) already KNOW that Trump is trying to regain the Ohio Against The World 2023 Shirt What’s more,I will buy this White House by any means, lawful or otherwise, it’s kind of a moot point, don’t you think? Anyway, the words RESPECT and DONALD TRUMP, will always, always be mutually exclusive, at least to me, and many others. No. He knows as soon as he leaves he’s going to be served with dozens of indictments and subpoenas. His only alternative is to flee the country, which I think is very likely. Because that’s what narcissistic, psychopathic, wanna be dictators do. It’s all about image. Their own image. Not a thought in their mind exists but to serve that ego. The WH staff does the moving, and they apparently log everything/ I’m not sure that would include Trump’s Sharpies, but it might. I don’t believe much of anything would happen. Trump’s supporters would make excuses to justify his behavior, while everyone else continues to disapprove of Trump’s behavior. I would be surprised if it changed Trumps approval/disapproval ratings very much at all. A solid majority of Americans, between 55 and 60%, will continue to disapprove of Trump. 35–40% will approve. That’s been pretty much the same through pay offs to porn stars, love fests with Kim Jong Un and a steadfast refusal to release promised tax returns and Mexico paying for “the wall”. I don’t think a T-shirt will have any affect at all either way. Americans have pretty much decided how they feel about Trump.

Ohio Against The World 2023 Shirt

Formally, as I would with ANY President of the Ohio Against The World 2023 Shirt What’s more,I will buy this United States. It’s about honoring and respecting the office and my country. Yes. As a matter of fact he can be and he will be. The State of New York has been conducting a criminal probe of the phony Trump Foundation and criminal charges against Trump are widely expected to result. You may hear people say that since a president could pardon himself at any time for any reason, this amounts to immunity from arrest. This is only true for violations of federal law. There is nothing in the law or the Constitution which says that a president is immune to criminal violations of state laws. A state can cuff Trump and stuff him into the back of a squad car any time they want to Conservatives will try to say that “Never in the history of the US has a president been arrested by a state for violating a state law, so this has to be taken to mean that presidents are fully immune from all state laws and cannot be arrested for violating them.”

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