Top Baltimore Orioles Homer Hose Birdland 2023 Shirt
Islam prescribes modesty. So the Baltimore Orioles Homer Hose Birdland 2023 Shirt Besides,I will do this better question is what is considered modest clothing? Now this is where the issue arrives. You will hear several responses and interpretations from alleged scholars and others on what is the proper dress code in Islam. Yet the answer is not in what any of them say. The answer is within logic and reason. This is what Allah wants us to use. Everything is not spelled out in the Qur’an. Why? Because we should have enough intellect and logic and reason that everything should not have to be spelled out for us. For example, Islam forbids sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Yet no one asks, “well, what is sex?” Nor does the Qur’an explain it. The qur’an says to do “good deeds”, but never explains all the deeds that are considered good. Why? Because we should have enough intellect and sound logic to be able to know what is sexual intercouse and what is the difference between a good and bad deed. The same applies to modest dress. We all have the ability to determine with logic and reason what is modest clothing and its purpose. This is why a detailed dress code is not provided in Islam. It just simply says for a woman to guard her modesty and that she should not diplay her adornments.
Now you determine, according to your situation and circumstances what is the Baltimore Orioles Homer Hose Birdland 2023 Shirt Besides,I will do this best way to do this using logic and reason and as long as your intent is pure, then you are on the right path. Use your logic and reason to find out what are the “adornments” of a woman. Let no alleged scholar or Imam encourage otherwise. Dress as you like, including if that means to wear jeans, provided that your intentions are to be modest, that your intentions are pure, that your intent is to set the best example in society, and that your decision to do so is solely based on logic and reason. As for myself, I always say that the best form of dress is for a woman to cover her breasts and the area between her vagina and buttox in clothing that does not flaunt what is underneath. Anything else is up to her, according to her social setting and circumstances. The reason why Muslims say the thighs are to be covered is NOT because it is mentioned in the Qur’an but because the soci…
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