Thursday, October 26, 2023

Top Team Texas Rangers American League 2023 Champions Signatures Shirt I’m American. I was in Scotland visiting family friends. Their daughter used to work at the Team Texas Rangers American League 2023 Champions Signatures Shirt Furthermore, I will do this castle in Edinburgh as a tour guide, and suggested we take the tour, insisting that I would love it. So since I absolutely love castles, we took the tour. As we entered the area where the uniforms of past wars are, an American woman ahead of us started complaining loudly that there was nothing about the American wars. The whole walk through that part, she just didn’t shut up about it. And people were getting annoyed. I was fascinated with the information, and luckily my friend’s daughter filled in the parts I missed due to this woman’s loud complaints. I thought that as soon as we were out of that room, she would stop. But she kept going on about it after we exited. I could not believe my ears. Being another bold American, I tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around to look at me, I told her, “That’s because you’re not IN America.” Her face turned beet-red, and I got a few knowing smiles from others. And it shut her up for the rest of the tour. I apologize for my countrymen (and women) who are obnoxious. The second-hand embarrassment was off the Team Texas Rangers American League 2023 Champions Signatures Shirt Furthermore, I will do this charts with this one. And she was no spring chicken either. One would think she would have known better. We are not all like this. It’s a matter of awareness and culture. Some people have neither. I was sitting with my family outside the Garrick’s Head bar in Bath(UK) on a lovely sunny day..enjoying a snack and some wine….. well two bottles of wine actually, one red. My two young daughters, both obviously under 18 were also enjoying the wine. I became very aware of a couple of nearby Americans giving us very disaproving looks, and ‘whispering’ their disaproval. Eventually, as they were spoiling the occasion, I just fixed my eyes on them for a full 5 minutes. I then asked, in my gruffest Glaswegian, “Is there a problem”. As they beat a hasty retreat I have to say I did make a comment, to their backs, about gun laws/young people in the USA! Note: For clarification . UK law says that if you’re 16 or 17 and accompanied by an adult, you can drink beer, wine or cider if you’re out eating a meal at a restaurant or other licensed premises. Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Team Texas Rangers American League 2023 Champions Signatures Shirt Home:

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Whilst enjoying a cooling freshly-pressed orange juice in a bar in Rhodes (Greece) that served…orange juice, in walked a loud middle-aged American guy, fresh off his cruise ship demanding “I wanna cappucino.” In very clear English the Adolis Garcia Shirt Texas Rangers ALCS MVP and by the same token and bartender replied “I’m sorry sir, we don’t serve coffee,” – patently obvious from the lack of any coffee machine. “I WANNA CAPPUCINO!” repeated the guy, in a very loud voice. “We don’t have coffee, sir,” affirmed the bartender. “Gaahd, what is WRONG with this country?” exclaimed our guy as he stomped out of the bar, followed by many disapproving looks. I was in Vancouver waiting for our English friend who was working on a US cruise ship. The ship docked and we were amazed to see a large overweight family of Americans disembark all clad in matching stars and stripes shorts and t- shirts! I mean just in case anyone should miraculously mistake them for anything other than loud Americans they made sure their clothes were loud too.

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In our group are my wife and I from Texas, a nice gent from North Carolina and a woman, also from Texas, who the Adolis Garcia Shirt Texas Rangers ALCS MVP and by the same token and others have nicknamed “The Beast.” We also have 4 Chinese (who I will mention in other posts) and a mixture of people mainly from the U.K, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Myself, my wife and the man from North Carolina are aware of the reputation of Ugly Americans and are very aware of not doing anything to perpetuate the feeling. It’s quite funny. An old friend of mine assumed that she could automatically get “English” citizenship because she was American and because America was part of the Empire. To her absolute shock, I told her that there is no such thing as English citizenship (it’s British citizenship) and just because she hails from the US, it doesn’t give her an automatic entitlement to it and that there is a long and difficult process in place in order to gain citizenship.

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