Friday, October 13, 2023

The Phillies Atta Boy Harper Shirt

 Top The Phillies Atta Boy Harper Shirt

We share more than a common heritage and culture. Europe is part of us, the The Phillies Atta Boy Harper Shirt in contrast I will get this image in the mirror. We trade, we visit, we speak to each other as friends. We have spilt to much blood on European soil to allow a despot to once again threaten peace. If we do not wish to be labelled hypocrites then we must help to stop this despot and his cruel war. The Ukraine and all of Europe will not forget who stood by them in this struggle for freedom. Glory to Ukraine! – Russia supplies 70% of Indian weapons, including cutting edge technology like nuclear submarines which no western country will do – Indians have a sense of gratitude, Russia stood by India, for 60 years of western arm twisting , wrt Kashmir, Goa, Bangladesh war etc – In 1971 Bangladesh war, Nixon sent in USS Enterprise to bomb Kolkata and was blocked by a large group of Soviet Submarines

The Phillies Atta Boy Harper Shirt

– In 1971, Kissinger asked China to invade India to remove pressure on Pakistan and India was saved by Russia moving 55 divisions to the The Phillies Atta Boy Harper Shirt in contrast I will get this Chinese border – Indians hate color revolutions like Ukraine Maidan protest- Since 1950, the west has tried color revolutions in India, using Christian missionaries and Ultra Liberals and Muslims and Sikhs – Indians sympathised with Yugoslavia and Serbia over Kosovo, Indian has a huge internal and external muslim problem – and in 1994, Madeline Albright threated to do a Yugoslavia on India – Without USA, Pakistan would have been dismembered 50 years ago , Pakistan is classified as major non-Nato Ally and USA has blocked anti-terrorism moves against Pakistan – too long to list

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