Friday, October 13, 2023

Santa Trump Season’s Greetings Christmas Shirt

 Top Santa Trump Season’s Greetings Christmas Shirt

Putin suggests severing them and declaring family members, friends and colleagues brain dead zombies controlled by neo-Nazis. Ruled by a Jewish president. World War Z. Russian army marks tanks and hardware with Z letters that does not exist in the Santa Trump Season’s Greetings Christmas Shirt so you should to go to store and get this Cyrillic alphabet advancing to liberate Ukrainian zombies from neo-Nazis. Putin’s propagandists have watched too many Hollywood horror movies. It is hard to swallow the b-movie script sold as reality in the age of internet and smartphones. To be clear, Russia bombing cities and towns of Ukraine is akin to US bombing Canada, or Australia bombing New Zealand, or Spain bombing Portugal, or France bombing Belgium, or England bombing Scotland, or Rome bombing Vatican…well, you see the pattern. To answer the question, Ukraine is much stronger – they are fighting an aggressor who launched a full scale invasion of their sovereign country, cowardly in the dead of night previously lying through their teeth that it won’t happen.

Santa Trump Season's Greetings Christmas Shirt

Even if the Santa Trump Season’s Greetings Christmas Shirt so you should to go to store and get this invasion succeeds, guerrilla war, partisan movement, and public resistance supported by the West through sanctioning Russia would drag on for years depleting much of Russian resources, wrecking its economy, and throwing it into the trash bin of history. NATO military exercise ‘Iron Wolf 2022-II’ at a training range in Pabrade, north of the capital Vilnius, Lithuania on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022 No. I support the efforts of the United States to aid Ukraine to defeat Russia as soon as possible. The quicker this war is over, the better. There will be fewer deaths. Fewer injuries. Less destruction. The US needs to give Ukraine what it needs to end this war as quickly as possible and defeat Russia. If this means giving Ukraine tanks, give them tanks. If this means giving them ATACMS missiles, give them ATACMS missiles.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Santa Trump Season’s Greetings Christmas Shirt


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