Sunday, October 8, 2023

Real Women Love Football Smart Women Love The Green Bay Packers Girl Vintage Shirt

 Top Real Women Love Football Smart Women Love The Green Bay Packers Girl Vintage Shirt

All the Real Women Love Football Smart Women Love The Green Bay Packers Girl Vintage Shirt and I love this girls got up and I was dragged into to bathroom and a bath was started. My clothes were ripped off, and thrown away. I was wiped and told to get into the bath I did and it was excruciatingly hot I was pushed into the bath and bathed with a baby soap. I got out of the tub after my bath and was dried off, I was crying because I had no idea what was going to happen and it was so embarrassing. The mom picked me up brought me to the living room as she told Alice to go get the mat and supplies from her room. Alice sprinted and came back with a large mat, and a basket with very large diapers, baby powder, rash creams and other things. The mom sat on the couch and I was positioned over the knee, now I knew what was happening. And the spanking started. I tried to resist but all that happened was she told me, “Oh don’t even try to fight it because you’re here for two months and I can make your life very miserable little baby” She put me in a leg lock and had one of the girls hold my arms. After I was sobbing and I was already very sore she lifted me up but told me my spanking was fat from over and that was just a warm up. She told her daughter to go get a ping pong paddle 🏓 from the basement and she told me to bend over the couch arm with my feet not touch the floor. Alice returned and the mom immediately started spanking me with the ping pong paddle, getting all my bottom and half way down my thighs. I didn’t try to resist because I knew it would help and would just make it worse. After about 5 minutes of her spanking me she said, “ahh yes, the perfect red bottom for our little baby girl. That should sting for a few days. Now everybody knows that we can’t let our baby do anything for herself because she is just too helpless, so you get to wear these pretty pink mittens.” With me still over the side of the couch, She grabbed my hands from behind me and I felt them being forced into fists and I couldn’t move them. Then I could separate them from each other. All the girls were snickering at me and giggling. I was told to stand and I struggled to get off the couch arm doing so. I was ordered to lay on the mat with my arms digging into my back and baby powder was sprinkled all over my 🐱 and cream on top of that making a duiscusting feeling. She grabbed my legs and lifted me up and slid a diaper under me. It was fastened on so tightly it almost hurt. Then she said, “I think because our baby pooped so much she should wear two more diapers. Two more diapers were put on me now I’m wearing a total of 3 diapers and I couldn’t put my legs together anymore. She took out a large passyfier, much larger than a normal babies’ and it had a strap and a lock going through the hook on it and said in a baby like voice, “Does the little baby want her binki, oh, open up.” I hesitantly opened my mouth and it was shoved in my mouth. My head was lifted up to her chest and it was strapped behind me and I could not get it out. The mom looked very delighted as she said, “Oh, girls look how cute she is, you just keep sucking on your binki. I almost forgot, you need some pants so your diapers don’t leak. She got these pink plastic pants that were really more of underwear and placed it over all the diapers tucking it in the edges. “These diapers are leak proof, but I am not changing you until they are DRIPPING! And we can’t have our baby walking all around, can we?” She put boots similar to the mittens on my feet and I could tell I would not be able to walk in the because they were basically circled and they had metal spikes on the inside. The mom stroked my tummy and told the girls to go get dressed. They all went away and she told me in a stern voice, “you obviously have some rules now that you’re my little baby. Number one: Mo walking, only crawling. Number two: You are not to speak unless spoken to and if you do it has to be in a toddler voice. Number 3: You will wear diapers at all times except for baths and spankings. Number 4: you will be spanked every 3 days as a part of your punishment. And Number 5: you will live, dress, eat, and act like a baby for the rest of your time here. And you will NOT complain.

Real Women Love Football Smart Women Love The Green Bay Packers Girl Vintage Shirt

My younger siblings, my mom or my babysitter would often change my diaper in public when we were at the Real Women Love Football Smart Women Love The Green Bay Packers Girl Vintage Shirt and I love this beach, at the park, on a bench in Disneyland or anywhere convenient when the baby needed his diaper changed. Have some other people whose judgement you trust read the story once you have written it, and listen to their comments seriously. Don’t worry about where the profits will go until you have a story of publishable quality. Read some of the traditional stories/myths about this legendary figure. Compared to other VSO’s their spending on executive pay, conferences, buildings, and other overhead is beyond profligate. One example would be by own; 6–7 years ago I was nearly homeless. They told me that my case was too complex and they couldn’t help me. They didn’t even refer me to someone who could help when I asked.

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