Friday, October 13, 2023

Philly Ring The Bell 2023 Postseason Shirt

 Top Philly Ring The Bell 2023 Postseason Shirt

Russia does not design nor manufacture computers, mobile phones, TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines, semiconductors, cars, medical equipment, nails. 40% of the Philly Ring The Bell 2023 Postseason Shirt and I love this budget revenue comes from the sales of gas and oil, yet there have been no research and development in this sector of economy and Russia still completely relies on Western technologies. A woman from Krasnoyarsk spent all of her savings to prepare her grandson for school and wants to sell her kidney to buy a bullet proof vest for her mobilised son. Russia has been a natural resources appendage of the Western civilisation, and much of the revenues have been stolen by the thief-in-chief and his accomplices. With the looming oil and gas embargo, Russia has transformed from a gas station with nukes into a problem with nukes. It is already not much different from North Korea. “A House Where Dreams Come True.” Russians are dependent on the whims of the state security goons and resort to services of swindlers who promise them that if they think in a certain way all their dreams and wishes come true without any work or effort on their part. After the announcement of mobilisation, highly skilled professionals – doctors, engineers, architects, scientists, IT specialist – began to flee from Russia heading to the United States and other Western countries. The brain drain had been severe, but now it looks like a stampede. Originally designed as capitalist oligarchy, Russian Federation was soon hijacked by the same thugs from the secret police that had run the Soviet Union into the ground.

Philly Ring The Bell 2023 Postseason Shirt

Thus the Philly Ring The Bell 2023 Postseason Shirt and I love this war in Ukraine was the culmination of 117 years of the absurdly dumb and ridiculously incompetent rule of NKVD/KGB/FSB goons who have finished off the Russian Empire, which had taken 300 years for the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty to put together. FSB’s luminary is Vladimir Putin, a cowardly man of below average intellect, who’d created his own world and then forced 144 million citizens to inhabit it through non-stop propaganda. What Russia reminds me of is a set of a Western movie. If you suspend your disbelief you might think that you have actually got transported to the Wild West. In a moment of clarity you realise that it was all made of cardboard, a two-dimensional artificial constructed town with a saloon, a caretaker agency, a brothel, and curtained windows for gunslingers to shoot from made for the TV screen.

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