Top JA High School Podcast Dept Shirt
Now the JA High School Podcast Dept Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this office worker from Oklahoma is banging their head against a wall, thinking damn, if I had sent that $1000 to Ukraine instead of blasting them away in Vegas, the good times might have been preserved. I understand, that I have painted a really dark scenario, one where Russia gets almost everything their way. Please note, that I didn’t give them any NATO countries, and that the free world, NATO and friendly countries like Australia, Japan, South Korea, would probably remain a free trading block, but they too would be heavily affected by this splitting of the world into spheres of influence, or if we want to call a spade a spade, into colonial empires. Even if there is very little chance of Russia ever invading USA, and if there is extremely little chance of Oklahoma ever suffering a war or anything like that, the life of everyone in Oklahoma would still be greatly affected by Russian victory. People will suffer hardship all over the world, if Russia wins. Add to that the direct suffering of hundreds of millions of people, who will be thrown into colonial oppression. Ask someone from Donbass, what living under Russian occupation feels like. Newly minted colonial masters will engage in genocide all over the world, there will be several holocaust-scale crimes, human suffering will be immense. Oklahoma, being a peaceful part of the world, will be flooded by refugees from all over, initially legal, and then hundreds of thousands, millions of illegally arriving refugees.
Even in places that are spared the JA High School Podcast Dept Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this worst of it, places that avoid war, will suffer a very strong turn for the worse. Poverty will drive crime, affluence will be gone, people are going to be surviving paycheck to paycheck, and those will be the lucky ones. The unlucky ones will be reduced to stealing for survival, or worse. Therefore I appeal to all – The war in Ukraine affects us all. It is an attack on our future, it threatens our wellbeing and our security. Do not let Ukrainian people stand alone. Help them, by helping Ukrainian people you are helping yourself. If we allow the Russians to annex Ukraine and enslave Ukrainian people, parts of Oklahoma city might end up looking like this. Do not let Ukrainians stand alone, help them, they are helping you already. Helping Ukrainian people is not only in the USA’s national interest, it is in the personal subjective interest of every US citizen, and every other human being in the world. Paradoxically, helping Ukrainians is even in the best interest of Russian citizens, they too will suffer from the degenerating world that will develop if Russia wins. Therefore help! Helping Ukrainians is helping yourself, is preserving your own future! Go do it, and don’t stop until the Russians are all back in Siberia.
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