Friday, October 13, 2023

Fuck Hamas I Stand With Israel Shirt

 Top Fuck Hamas I Stand With Israel Shirt

toward that end in our own ways, because our hearts are still open to the Fuck Hamas I Stand With Israel Shirt But I will love this possibilities that unity brings. We are still hopeful. And passionate. Peace out. I have considered myself to be a hippie for many, many years now, and I am proud to call myself and be referred to as one. There was a lot more to the hippies than free love and tuning in and dropping out. We could talk about the fashions, the music, the drugs, the sex that were particular to the hippies, but that is not what made the Real Hippies real. They believed deeply in what they knew to be right, and they fought for it. They fought according to their morals. In no particular order, here are some of the things I think are important values for a hippie such as myself to hold.

Fuck Hamas I Stand With Israel Shirt

Be open to, and welcoming of “otherness.” Celebrate and embrace people from all cultures, who can bring color and flavor to our culture. Protect their right to be here, and give them space to bring us the Fuck Hamas I Stand With Israel Shirt But I will love this richness in diversity they offer. Always promote peace, love and understanding among everyone, regardless of race, religion (or lack thereof), ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, country of origin, etcetera. Regardless of anything! Be involved politically! Especially in the U.S. at this really rough and scary time. Educate yourself on the issues, and for heaven’s sake VOTE!! When you see things going on that you know aren’t right, send a letter to your congressman or senator, sign a petition, initiate a petition! Look for every opportunity to express your views thoughtfully with others. Don’t just sit there cussing at the TV or the news on the internet. Get off your butt, and DO SOMETHING! Use your intellect to fight for what you believe in, not your emotions. Walk away from anyone who is frothing at the mouth with anger. There is no way to communicate with them. They are not capable of civil discourse. Spend your time with people who are willing to listen, who you respect enough to listen to. That’s how to make progress on issues, and achieve change.

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