Thursday, October 26, 2023

Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt

 Top Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt

In Britain we have something called the Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt and by the same token and ‘Electoral Register’. All households must register the details of their occupants. Registration forms are sent by post to be completed and returned. Most people complete them online nowadays. These forms are used for thing like voting and Jury duty. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, it has to be completed. Non UK/EU/Commonwealth citizens are exempt from jury duty and voting etc (over 18s) but still have to fill in their details. A few days ago on a Facebook watch collectors’ group… a member suggested a valuation of a piece like this: “4500“. I posted to say that as it’s an international group his valuation was meaningless unless he specified a currency. He replied that he didn’t have to because he’s an American and the US is the greatest nation in the world. Needless to say I quoted back to him that line from his fellow American Mark Twain about it being better to keep silent and let others think you’re a fool than say something and remove all doubt. Gratifyingly he blocked me. We were on a train from Paris to Munich, which stopped at Strasbourg where a group of about half a dozen Americans boarded the first class carriage we were in and sat in front of us.

Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt

There had been a problem we figured, whereby one of this new group had been relieved of their wallet as they got on board and they were complaining to the Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt and by the same token and French inspector that they wanted to make out an incident report, which is fair enough. The inspector pointed out he was leaving the train there in Strasbourg, and a German crew would be taking over for the rest of the jo I’m not American, I’m British. But I’m sick of the literally thousands of questions on Quora asking “What is the worst thing that an American … blah blah blah.” I’m still waiting for a question on Quora that asks something like, “What’s the worst thing that you’ve seen a Peruvian tourist do?” “Who is the most ignorant Peruvian you’ve ever met?” “What is the most obnoxious instance of Peru-centric behavior you’ve ever witnessed?” etc. etc.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Arrest Netanyahu War Criminal Child Killer Shirt


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