Monday, September 11, 2023

Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament

 Top Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament

At our second house meeting, we established each of our AORs (or Areas of Responsibility) in the Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament and by the same token and community. We first laid out what parts of the community needed someone responsible for their well-being, then basically asked who was interested in being in charge of each of those areas. In less than an hour, every roommate had his/her own AOR: everything from internet to finances to security. As an AOR owner, one could delegate tasks to other interested roommates; solicit the house for advice or support for a project/purchase; or simply just maintain equilibrium in that area of the house and only share details when asked. After a few weeks spent defining our intentions and creating a solid foundation for our community to build on, we still needed to name our community. Immediately, everyone thought they had the perfect name that both encompassed what our community stood for while also providing some sort of pun. But we weren’t a bar, or the title of an 80’s action thriller–we were a group of people brought together to create something bigger than ourselves. But how do you define (or even agree on) what that thing should be called?

Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament

After a particularly heated meeting full of ridiculous house name proposals and dirty dish awareness alerts, one of our roommates found a piece of wood in one of the Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament and by the same token and bathrooms with a name carved into it: Chateau Agape. In the 1970s, our house was home to a man named Leroy Looper, who was credited with operating San Francisco’s first drug treatment program as well as starting the Tenderloin District’s first anti-crime group. He, along with his family and 27 schizophrenics, lived here. Leroy called the house Chateau Agape (after his daughter, Agape.) Agape, meaning “love” in Greek, has been the name of our community ever since. Three years ago, I never would have thought I’d end up sharing a home called Love with thirteen other people. I’ve always been a little protective of my personal space and often enjoy the comfort of characters in movies more than those in real life. But now, that protectiveness I felt for myself, I feel for my community; the guard that I held up for so long broke with the weight of compassion exuding from everyone around me. That’s not to say living at Agape has always been cotton candy and sunshine. Not every single person is going to agree on every single thing and that’s just the way the world works. But I think that every hurdle that we’ve had to go over has only made us stronger as individuals and brought us closer as a community.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Solivita 2024 Florida Hurricanes Together We Survived Together We Thrive Ornament


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