Thursday, September 21, 2023

Santa Claus If You Don’t Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament

 Top Santa Claus If You Don’t Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament

When the Santa Claus If You Don’t Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament and I will buy this temps are about 5 or below, roads are usually pretty decent (in the 20s, every touch of the brakes polishes them to Zamboni slickness). A great winter is one that hovers between roughly -10 and +10. All is “white, clean and neat” and the dangers aren’t real serious. … assuming a bad fall hasn’t deposited a 3″ layer of ice on the roads that won’t go away until April … But my first encounter with “winter” was in Michigan. People would die on the roads dressed for a cabana when a blizzard hit. (And I grew up in snow country in northern California – this kind of carelessness shocked me.) Here, we don’t dig out the shorts, tank tops and flip-flops until spring when we can count on 20–30+ temps and 16 hours of sunlight. Well – some get a little silly, but they usually have friends to shove them in the back and throw a blanket over them.

Santa Claus If You Don't Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament

Dealing with winter here is certainly age and socially dependent. Lots of parties, dinners, get-togethers. Just to do it. Go somewhere, shuck off the Santa Claus If You Don’t Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament and I will buy this heavy coats, ditch the shoes/boots at the door and go grab a beer/wine/scotch, pet the annoying cat/dog, leer at the hostess – the usual stuff. But it’s better since you’re all cosy having a good time in a cocoon in the midst of a deadly freezer. Then you drive home – very carefully – half drunk. (Sometimes totally – it’s an art.) I did a stint in San Diego and the party scene there was certainly more … “relaxed”. Even there I knew people who decried the weather as sapping the energy from life: “You have to have seasons!” Fairbanks is probably a bit extreme when it comes to “seasons” – it’s usually paradise or frozen hell. The hell usually isn’t that hard to deal with and the paradise is usually – paradise. I’ll always think of “summer” as “Fairbanks”. I was born in Fresno. Summer??? I’ve blissfully forgotten. (I do recall it is hell there.) Finally – in the nearly 30 years I’ve lived here – damned few seasons have repeated themselves. Freezing rain??? Last I saw that shit was in Oregon near 40 years ago! Blizzards? Well there was a windy snow storm about 15 year back that almost caused problems. Forrest fires. Now there’s a problem. Knocked out a big part of ‘04. Smoke so dense they didn’t really know where the fires were. Couple of summers, the damned rain wouldn’t stop. Several summers were great, but the stench of smoke persisted. One summer the wasps were so bad you had to be very careful of your plans. Next summer: None. Anywhere. None.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Santa Claus If You Don’t Like Pittsburgh Steelers Merry Kissmyass Ornament


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