Monday, September 18, 2023

Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament

 Top Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament

That meant that if you had an established band, you were going to be alright with touring. If you’re part of the Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament moreover I will buy this younger generation and hoping to do the same thing that band in the second half of the 20th century did…tough luck. Your contemporaries made that career option impossible by stealing music. They proved their studpidity by trying to justify it with: Music should be free. Nobody can make a living creating a free product. The music industry caved in to these cretins by slashing album prices to where they were thirty years ago. How are you going to make a living selling albums when anyone can download them for free or even buy them for a nominal price like $9.99. An album cost somewhere around $9.99 thirty years ago! To be expected to sell an album in 2022 for the same price as they sold for in 1992 makes about as much sense as expecting to be able to buy groceries for what they would have cost thirty years ago.

Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament

People have decided streaming is the Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament moreover I will buy this way to go and the deals that the record labels have made with streaming company its are the most one-sided deals I’ve ever seen in any industry. For less money than it would have cost to buy a CD twenty years ago, they’re letting you listen to every album in the store for a whole month. It’s disgusting, but the record labels made those deals. Nobody put a gun to their heads. They were just that pitiful. As if the internet hadn’t done enough damage already, it also gave rise to professional scalpers who buy tickets en masse the second they go on sale. Then this parasites see them to you for five or ten times what they paid for them. If you’re willing to do business with that scum. I’m not willing to. I don’t need to see anyone that damn badly. I’ll buy a ticket at the regular price or just not go. Somebody should have done whatever it took to get rid of that filth when it started, but they were as passive and acquiescent about that as they were about Napster.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Postseason 2023 Clinched Tampa Bay Rays Ornament


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