Friday, September 22, 2023

Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament

 Top Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament

*Personal Space- European cities are crowded. You will bump into each other. As Americans, we tend to take offense if somebody bumps us, or be apoligetic if we bump somebody else. Europeans expect bumping in crowds, and tend not to acknowledge it. If I bumped into a German and said ‘excuse me’, it might not be perceived as an apology, but instead a callout (as in, ‘excuse me, but what is your problem’) *Make an effort. You will not pass as a local. But if you make an effort to blend in, and respect local customs and courtesies, it will be noticed and appreciated. Effort and respect goes a long way. *No, of course I am not from the Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament besides I will buy this U.S.; I’m Canadian. / When I was stationed in Germany, there was a strong anti-American sentiment going around. When out and about, my cover story was that I was Canadian, working for the Red Cross, not U.S. Military personnel. I don’t know if people bought it, but I was never questioned, and never harassed for being GI. *I remember one time when my wife and I were seated at a sidewalk cafe. I spoke a bit of German, enough to eat and shop. We followed most of the rules I listed above. From over a block away, we heard a group of 4 American Soldiers coming. In a crowded town, we heard these 4 over the rest of the crowd. Talking loudly, yelling at each other, swearing, rapping. They came by, all 4 wearing U.S. Sports jerseys. Walking side by side, 4 guys taking up a good chunk of the street. I spoke to one of them, telling them “How you act when in town directly affects how I am treated when I am in town. You are acting like an ass.”. His response was that these people (Germans) were racists and discriminating against him. Surely they were, but they were discriminating against ugly Americans, not people of color.

Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament

I was amused by this question and read with interest the Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament besides I will buy this answers that have been posted already, especially the wise advice from Chris Ebbert. I know from my own experience that whenever I have been dressed conspicuously or inappropriately on my travels I have felt uncomfortable and even invited trouble, but when I have got my appearance right and been able to blend in, I have felt much more relaxed and at home. Anyway, on the subject of American tourists, I think the main thing that makes them stick out is not their dress or appearance, but the fact that you can often hear an American accented voice from some distance away, and so my advice to American tourists would not be to speak so loudly when on their travels. I hasten to add however that although being loud is often associated with being discourteous, disagreeable and rude, I have never come across that mythical rude, loud and obnoxious American tourist that is often the subject of travellers’ tales. The only thing that has ever irritated me on occasions about American tourists is their behaviour in other ways; for instance when checking into a hotel with people waiting behind then to check in, they will spend an overly long time at the reception desk questioning the person behind it about places to see, souvenirs to purchase, transport, opening hours, etc, oblivious to the fact that people behind them have been waiting a long time and the queue is longer.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Jamare Glasker Vintage Lightweight Ornament


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