Top In Memory Of Michael Jackson 65th Anniversary 1958-2023 The Man The Myth The Legend Signatures Shirt
Europe, extreme ice cold Europe. Men there have to wear cloths to save themselves from getting frozen, unlike our bare chested South Asians, who can roam around the In Memory Of Michael Jackson 65th Anniversary 1958-2023 The Man The Myth The Legend Signatures Shirt What’s more,I will buy this same way even during their peak winters, because that is appropriate for Tropical South Asia, while inversely propositional to Europe. Shirt and trouser, is a must to survive in Europe. But still they both cannot fully serve the purpose. They shield only the torso, hands and legs, while still parts of the body are exposed, While Shoes and gloves has been the same for almost half a millennia, this Neck cloth alone got evolved from a piece of cloth, which wraps the neck, to the present day “NeckTie”. Since this piece of cloth got transformed into many forms, people forgot it’s initially purpose and present day people have considered it to be ornamental. Simple. Think about wrapping this NeckTie without a Collar, directly to your Neck. Irritating, isnt it. And that is why Collars. A panel which enables Europeans to hold the NeckTie and thereby letting the NECKTIE TO TIGHTEN THE COLLAR SO THAT NO COLD AIR COMES INTO THE TORSO. There you go, thats the purpose of a “NeckTie”.
Now tell me, why we South Asians have to wear a Tie to office. Funny that we wore the In Memory Of Michael Jackson 65th Anniversary 1958-2023 The Man The Myth The Legend Signatures Shirt What’s more,I will buy this same 14 years in school. Much stupid when our HRs argue that it is “Professional”. Same is the case for Shoes, Suites and even “Tuck-In shirt”. We are totally inferior to such features which are totally against and inappropriate to our living condition in South Asia. I am rather sure that no one says you “should” do something. The choice to wear a dress or not wear a dress is completely up to you. From what I have read here on Quora there is quite a number of guys who wear skirts, and I think flowing from that also dresses, for the comfort of the said garments, especially around the crotch, to keep our attachments cool.
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