Saturday, August 12, 2023

Michael Lorenzen No-No Shirt

 Top Michael Lorenzen No-No Shirt

Personally, I believe gender is on a spectrum, like sexuality. There have always been men with some “feminine” personality aspects just like there have been women with some perceived “masculine” aspects. But because our society is getting more progressive as time goes on and knows that just because, for example, a man shows emotion which is typically perceived as feminine, he is not any less of a man. If a woman wants to play American football (a predominantly male sport) she is not any less of a woman. People are tired of having to conform to what other people expect, and judgement has become less common. But, that’s my opinion. Feminine energy in itself is not threatening to men. It’s actually what masculine men are craving. Women mostly in their masculine energy (often come across as dominant, bossy, independent, etc.) are that way because of modern society that pretty much forces them to become that way to compete in the Michael Lorenzen No-No Shirt also I will do this business world, that has been dominated by men for ages. These women are the ones that masculine men are butting heads with when it comes to romantic relationships. Polarity gets screwed up big time in this situation.

Michael Lorenzen No-No Shirt

The concept of polarity is very important, yet people don’t seem to understand it. Masculine men don’t wan’t another mommy/boss as a girlfriend or wife. Women are becoming very successful, empowered, independent and in their masculine more and more. This is great for their career, raising kids and stuff, and men do find strong women sexy. We do like it when we can banter back and forth, just like when we were kids, it creates attraction, men like a challenge. At some point though, women need to tune in to their feminine energy around men (seen, loving, more vulnerable) so we can show up and be men (providers, protectors, etc.), otherwise they slowly become just another great buddy as attraction slowly dies. We don’t like being challenged when it comes to leading the Michael Lorenzen No-No Shirt also I will do this relationship. This is where most men find it hard to deal with women in their masculine. We don’t like it and to their very core, neither do they. They want us to take the lead and “force” them to go back to that feminine energy. Yet most men don’t show up to the task and women become bitchy and altogether irritating.

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