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Next, we turn to our academic curiculums and we find the Maui Strong Ikaika Wildfire Support Maui Shirt Also,I will get this proliferation of women’s, gender, and diversity studies classes since 1990, all bent on desconstructing Western society as a sociopathic white male patriarchy oppressing everyone else. Our children are taught to hate men because the schools they attend are administered and predominated by those who wish to change Western society by elevating women over men. Obama’s Title 9 amendment denied due process to boys accused of rape. Boys are routinely chastised for being boys, and masculinity is taught as being toxic to the extent that only typically feminine characteristics and traits in men are encouraged. The opposite is true for girls, however, who are taught to be strong and competent in the same way men used to be.
On the Maui Strong Ikaika Wildfire Support Maui Shirt Also,I will get this political stage, the Democrat party has latched onto the intersectional feminist narrative of the village way of raising boys by way of single mothers supported by state welfare. 70% of black families are fatherless because no welfare is provided to families with work eligible fathers. Thus, the disenfranchisement of fathers, men, and boy is hammered into them by many new feminist driven family laws rewarding custody and alimony to women and making men responsible and liable to pay for it. Men are not allowed paternity testing to assure the child they are raising is their own. Men who don’t comply with palimony demands are to be jailed, and wages garnished. The #Meetoo movement, feminist slutwalks and male bashing abounds because women are taught they can do no harm because men are at fault for everything.
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