Monday, July 17, 2023

Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt

 Top Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt

Don’t wear a Nazi shirt to the Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt but in fact I love this Capitol Riots because that will lead to you arrest before they even find your buddies. Don’t wear a joke shirt about something horrible to work. Try not to be a douche but, make sure your location and what you are doing won’t be seen as harrassment based on your shirt. Other than that, leave it alone. People have come up to me and screamed and thrown things at me for a shirt I wore that said “Cats are better than people” and another one that said “We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn” from an Etsy creator who helps women. I’ve also had a man assault me for wearing a hoodie my unit gifted to all of us with the campaign date and the unit badge on the hoodie. He said women who publicized they were in the military were directly attacking him and his beliefs. *eyeroll*

Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt

My daughter was pulled into the Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt but in fact I love this office for a shirt that “could be mistaken as a pride shirt so she needs to not offend the Christian students” and when I mentioned she was actually gay and said I’d take this to the state and screw the Christian brats (the vile adults in this town) and their cute kids, they backed off IMMEDIATELY and started enforcing the political attire ban EQUALLY which meant the conservatives had to stop sending their kids to school in MAGA hats and had to be more respectful but were allowed the thin blue line or pride flags on clothing as long as there were no slogans. All kids in this district can wear anything they’d like as soon as they’re off the property and we educators cheat a little and let them wear it outside the building while waiting for the bus. It’s not their fault Christian’s use their kids as weapons and pawns and I refuse to allow a dumb rule keep a kid outside out of a political hoodie. But it needs to be equal. My daughter’s shirt was a tarot card looking thing that was basically some “I can’t even with Monday’s” thing that had rainbow holographs with two women who were somewhat androgynous looking just dragging their ass to a Monday. It was also from an Etsy creator and my daughter loved it. But the rainbows got the perpetually offended conservatives in this town all sorts of worked up because “gays stole God’s Noah’s ark rainbow” or something like that. My daughter called the entire incident “cringe.”

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Tour 2023 Dominic Fike Live Solo And With Ensemble Shirt


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