Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Money Team The Basketball Tournament Shirt

 Top The Money Team The Basketball Tournament Shirt

If people are being influenced by the The Money Team The Basketball Tournament Shirt so you should to go to store and get this idea of King Chucky and Queen Camilla or the antics of Ginger and Whinger then remember they play no part in running Australia and only communicate with the Governor General who holds no real power at all except in a Ceremonial way. If we are going to change the system of Government then it will have to be put to the people in a referendum then the referendum must have a “Double Majority” to pass so for example if 24 million people vote then 12 million plus one is not a double majority so they need 16 Million plus one or more to be a Majority and get the idea passed. Now Parliament cannot alter the wording of the Constitution without once again holding a second referendum which must list which words are going to be changed and why. Next bit is that as Politics is not taught in schools then so many Australians do not have a thorough understanding of how either system of Government really works. Therefore the idea of “If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it” remains the status quo. Further to this I have never heard anyone explain what is not working within the current system which can only be fixed by becoming some sort of a republic. As I see it the process will take years and cost a fortune and only benefit the Legal Eagles as they tie bows in red tape and hold test cases and reap themselves a fortune in the process but for the man in the street it all will mean Jack Shitt and do nothing at all.

The Money Team The Basketball Tournament Shirt

The previous prime minister Tony Abbott made himself very unpopular by breaking most of his election promises with a horror budget, and with his aggressive and combative style more appropriate to an opposition leader. He was replaced by his own party when his polls became consistently poor. Malcolm Turnbull was a former leader of the The Money Team The Basketball Tournament Shirt so you should to go to store and get this push for a Republic and seen as highly intelligent, urbane and liberal on social issues such as same sex marriage; the complete opposite of Tony Abbott. This gave Turnbull a big surge in support. However it soon became evident that he had had to compromise with the Tea Party faction of the LNP in order to become Prime Minister. He went along with the delaying tactic of having a non binding plebiscite on same sex marriage, and not allowing a free vote in Parliament. Australians who had high hopes of Turnbull were disappointed, and realised that their Prime Minister was forced by his right wing colleagues to become a more urbane version of Tony Abbott.

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