Thursday, July 20, 2023

Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt

 Top Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt

A Royal wedding or funeral or birth or coronation, will set them off on an orgy of vapid sycophancy that is embarrassing to watch. They stumbed across it whilst on a pub crawl and decided that if everything there (poisonus snakes, spiders, man eating crocs, sharks, 6ft high jumping rats etc.) couldn’t kill them then they might as well stick around and get skin cancer. Australia has a long history of welcoming genuine asylum seekers from many countries. There are however another group of economic refugees who use various methods and strategies to try to enter Australia under the Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt besides I will buy this guise of being asylum seekers rather than applying to migrate to Australia via the established channels. This group is not so welcome either by the government or much of the population. Much better than the now squashed, overtly “Christian”, mysogynistic, far right wing, Trumpist slug he is replacing.

Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt

Australians see the Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt besides I will buy this drama up north, the hostile China stabbing a trade war, the concerned Japan. The collapse in Afghanistan. Wrestling with the EU on trade. The COVID19 failure in many countries. The Trump insurrection. Brexit. We think holey shit, the world is increasingly chaotic. There is a global change happening, all sorts of things. New Zealand looks out and can see barely as far as Australia (several thousands of km away), and Australia looks, it looks pretty good. Seems like things are fine. COVID is happening somewhere else, to other people, there are occasionally a handful of breakouts here and there, but you talking a few hundred infections. It sees a world that it can probably cut defence spending further, focus more inwards on their own issues. Maybe strike a few more favorable deals for NZ. NZ isn’t worried about the global order. It certainly isn’t looking to upset anyone, and often deliberately takes the path opposite to Australia.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Skull Coors Banquet Eat Sleep Repeat shirt


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