Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt

 Top Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt

My guy is independent, no politician owns him, he demonstrated leadership by running a successful company and he is brave enough to not go crawling to any politician. Physical strength? Nope but he sure has moral strength and intelligence to evaluate a situation himself not just squawk the Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt also I will do this sound bite of the day. In addition he bathes every day and doesn’t think 3 day stubble is manly. He has the self confidence to shave and to not define himself by idiotic things. I’m not seeing much traditional masculinity in this bunch, but I bet dollars to donuts they’re self-describing as “right wing.” Most of the hardcore right wing men that I’ve met are deeply, quiveringly fearful of essentially everything. Possessed of an incredible degree of personal paranoia. Lacking in anything other than the blustering facade of courage. Constantly needing to braggardly assert their violent fantasies and willful ignorance in order to mask a core of pathological insecurity. Anti-social in the extreme. Unable to form and maintain emotional connections or function in a community setting. Borderline or outright sociopaths in many cases. You mean the rugged and assertive men who have to run for the fainting couch whenever they see a blue beer can?

Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt

I bet you’re a lot like the Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt also I will do this guy who was road-raging at me the other day, pissed off because I had the gall to… *pass him* on the freeway while he was in his dipshit duallie, camping out in the left lane with his Trump stickers. He kept telling me to pull over, so I obliged him. The look on his face when I unfolded my 6-foot-9, 275 lb. self out of my little Mazda was priceless. “I… I thought you were someone else!” “Why is it that politically right leaning men tend to be traditionally masculine, possessing strength, courage, independence, leadership, ruggedness, and assertiveness, while left leaning men are kind of the opposite, trait wise?” Generally “right leaning men” who need to puff up their “masculine street cred” are being performative and trying to hide their deep insecurity and fear. There is nothing “manly” about cos-playing scary army man and taking your AK to the grocery store. If you really want to be masculine then got some honour. Not a liberal, not a Democrat, not in favor of socialism or communism, slightly pro-capitalism, a leftist (albeit an odd one):

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Rose and Munoz Cincinnati Sports Teams Signatures Shirt


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