Thursday, July 20, 2023

Coors Banquet Campfire Drinking Team Shirt

 Top Coors Banquet Campfire Drinking Team Shirt

Let’s move on to his followers, people who again are so insecure that they rail against anyone different, they fear gays, trans people, minorities, foreigners etc that kind of fear and insecurity again isn’t in any way masculine. People so fearful they refused to follow virologists advice to save the Coors Banquet Campfire Drinking Team Shirt Besides,I will do this lives of others, whether it be wearing a mask or getting a vaccination. You don’t know what you’re talking about and those on the rights desperation to pretend they’re “big strong men” completely reveals how they’re nothing more than fragile whiny babies barking like a small dog insisting that they’re tough when really they’re just scared and insecure. Want to be a real man? Don’t put your own needs over the good of all. Don’t cry about people having rights that don’t hurt you or anyone else. Don’t whine about your toys being harder to get if it will literally save kids lives. Don’t be so insecure to admit you lost when you lost take it on the chin and move on. Don’t be afraid to go to store without being armed for a shootout. Don’t cry about a standee or beer company showing support for someone that again doesn’t hurt you or anyone else. When you’re in a leadership position be secure enough to know you don’t know everything be smart enough to use the expertise of those around you or you’re an awful leader. Etc etc So, why is it that politically left leaning men tend to be kind, considerate, thoughtful, soft spoken, and flexible; while right leaning men are mean, rude, shallow, loud mouthed, and stubborn?

Coors Banquet Campfire Drinking Team Shirt

I think that men who are “traditionally masculine, possessing strength, courage, independence, leadership, ruggedness, and assertiveness” probably don’t spend a lot of time claiming to be so. Why is it that right leaning men are obese, intellectually unqualified to serve, have an IEP on their school records, have a domestic violence arrest, are collecting public assistance, and living w/ their parents in a trailer park, among other things? Left-leaning readers will be happy that the Coors Banquet Campfire Drinking Team Shirt Besides,I will do this above sentence finally came to an end. 😀 Well you see “politically right leaning men tend to be traditionally masculine(toxic generational AMERICAN masculinity) , possessing strength,( see previuos) courage, independence, leadership, (the three virtues of having parents with a steady income provides)ruggedness, and assertiveness, (ignorance and arrogance respectively born of a monocultural rasing) while left leaning men are kind of the opposite, trait wise. So You mean he has beauty, caution, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, experience, and is more well rounded in strengths and weaknesses, and has more then a 6th grade reading level? Gimme him, and if he’s thin and pretty with soft clear skin and long luscious hair even better…

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